Institute of Plant Genetic Resources - Sadovo
The National Seed Genebank of Bulgaria preserves more than 60,000 seed samples, of which 43,147 are under long-term storage conditions. The base collection is presented from 33 families, 150 genera and 600 plant species.
The specific activity of the established Laboratory to the National Gene Bank includes the following tasks: seed control analysis and preparation of the samples for preservation; monitoring checks of the status of the seed; support of exchange collection and establishing of free exchange; defining the cultivar identity according to the methods ISTA and UPOV.
The collection kept in the National Gene Bank was published on the online catalogue of Plant Genetic Resources EURISCO. The genebank undertakes non-currency exchange with more than 100 genebanks and botanical gardens in the world and offers its partners in Bulgaria the chance of free exchange of germplasm, registration and free ex situ preservation of plant samples (wild species, local forms, cultivars, selection lines).
IPGR-Sadovo participates in WP1 (Plant genetic resources inventory and information systems), WP2 (Quality-certified ex situ and in situ management) and WP6 (Communication, dissemination, exploitation and training) and the work will include the following activities:
- Standards for collecting and displaying phenotypic data and images - WP1
- System for describing, managing and accessing in situ conserved populations and interfacing them with EURISCO -WP1
- Inventory of plant genetic resources (PGR) information not yet represented in EURISCO and unified strategy for the interfacing of different information systems with EURISCO -WP1
- Minimum quality standards for genebank operations - WP2
- Blueprint for a genebank quality certification system -WP2
- Methods and minimum quality standards for in situ management of PGR, including crop wild relatives and wild food plants -WP2
- In WP6 - Information and Dissemination
Main Contacts
Katya Uzundzhalieva
[email]Veselina Msheva
[email]Gergana Desheva