Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile
ENEA is the second-largest research organization in Italy, active in the areas of nuclear fission and fusion, high-performance computing, climatology, energy and life sciences. The Biotechnology and Agroindustry division is active in the following research areas: i) Systems for sustainability, quality and safety of agroindustrial productions and ii) Innovative biotechnology products, processes and systems. ENEA has participated in or coordinated several Horizon 2020 projects on Plant Genetic Resources (https://www.traditom.eu, http://www.g2p-sol.eu/, http://harnesstom.eu/en/index.html) and coordinates the METROFOOD ESFRI large research infrastructure.
Besides coordinating the whole project and leading WP7 (Scientific coordination and management) and its deliverables, ENEA provides important contributions to WP1 (Plant genetic resources inventory and information systems) and WP3 (Research Infrastructure technologies and scientific services), and participates in all other work PRO-GRACE packages.

Main Contacts

Giovanni Giuliano
Giuseppe Aprea