Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is a State Agency for scientific research and technological development and the lead participating research institute, the Institute of Plant Molecular and Cell Biology IBMCP, is a joint institute of CSIC and Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. CSIC has long-standing experience in handling and characterization of plant genetic resources, including the National Center for Plant Genetic Resources and the coordination of several EU Projects like Traditom and Harnesstom.
CSIC will mainly participate in WP1 (Plant genetic resources inventory and information systems) activities and in WP5 (Research Infrastructure concept, social and regulatory aspects, governance, and financial plan). CSIC will be leading deliverable D1.2. (Standards for collecting and displaying genetic data) and, in collaboration with the Vasque Country University, the Deliverable D5.6 (Analysis of the ethical, social and regulatory aspects of the transition of the present plant genetic resources system to an integrated pan-European Research Infrastructure)
Main Contacts

Antonio Granell
Clara Pons